Monday, April 27, 2009


I have a really great story from last week of God providing for me that I want to share.

So I only had $1,000 paid of the $4,300 for the first 12 weeks, at the YWAM base in Kona HI. I expected a lot more support to come in than has this month, and I hadn't thought paying the lecture fees on time would be a problem.

I went up until last week with only the $1,000 paid, and started freaking out in my mind about paying. I was talking with my friend the other night. He felt like he needed to talk with me. Money came up, and we talked about what God has been doing (and not doing, it seems...) in each of our lives. The next day he gave me a note with explanation and a check for a large chunk of the money I need.

Now, this friend doesn't have a lot of money himself, and in fact, is praying for a huge release of finances by this Thursday. (Seriously, please join us in prayer for my brother; I'm not going to give his name now, but God knows exactly who this man is. Please prayer for the needed money to come in miraculous ways, and soon.) But he gave this money it seems he can't afford to give because God asked him to give.

Now, I also need a little over $4,000 by Thursday just to pay for my lecture fees and the deposit for my outreach airfare. I don't know where this money will possibly come from. I have not heard from any friends or family or supporters about money coming in for me.

I still believe I'm in PhotoGenX right now for a reason, and this is exactly where God wants me. I believe this in large part because a number of the PhotoGenX staff keep telling me I'm supposed to be here and the group wouldn't be complete without me. But, I still have to pay to be here. =)

The great thing about YWAM is everyone in the organization, students, staff, and even the founder, everyone has to pay their own way for the schools and travel and living at bases and everything. And being inYWAM means you cannot really have a job at the same time. It's like, YWAM is your job, and you are paying them to work for them... O_o'

YWAM is completely faith based, and that means most people in YWAM need outside support. The faith based core of YWAM includes raising much of the money they need for things come from YWAM students and staff, who already have little money. But the history has been that the financial needs are always provided for, both for the organization and for individuals as they give when they hear God saying "Give."

This giving is scary, sometimes. Thursday night, I felt God saying "Give the money you have to [a girl in PhotoGenX]." I literally had three dollars left to my name. I was planning to use it for laundry later in the week. I said, "Okay, God, if You want me to..." So I gave her my last three dollars Friday. Do you remember what I said happened on Friday? Some friends felt God wanted them to give me $1,500 that they could not logically afford.

My three dollars where multiplied 500 times. Because I stepped out in faith at God's leading. And I'm praying their faith will be multiplied at least 7 times by Thursday. And I'm praying the girl I gave $3 to will receive $1,500 by Thursday. And now I think a number of people are praying I will receive $4,300 byThursday. And there are more people who still need to pay their fees and deposits.

The view about praying I have taken is, if I pray this, I must be willing to be God's answer to my prayer. Followers of Jesus must be willing to follow if Jesus says, "Come," or "Go," or "You do it." Jesus did this when He had been preaching for a while to a crowd of 5,000 men, plus their families (probably at least 12,000 people). His disciples said, "Hey, Jesus, these folks need to eat. Send them away to get some food." Then Jesus, in His absolute brilliance, simply says, "You feed them." Feed 12,000+ people... which would cost more than a laborer would receive for 200 days of work, basically a way of saying "Do you know how much that would cost just to give everyone a scrap of bread?!" So they scramble around and find five loaves of bread and a couple fish... A lunch for one. Jesus, without missing a beat, simply says "Okay. Thank you God for providing food," and proceeds to pass out a meal for everyone, and there were a lot of leftovers. (See Matthew 14:13-21 and John 6:1-14.)

The disciples were praying that they people would go away to get food, but then Jesus asked them to be the answer to their own prayers. This is not to say that they miraculously multiplied the bread and fish. Only God could do that. But the did the possible, following Jesus when he said go and finding some food. Then God did the impossible and made enough food for 12,000 hungry people.

It's all faith, and acting by faith when God asks us to do something. What I want to stress is that you might pray that God would provide the money I need (and the money other people inPhotoGenX need), and ask God if you are supposed to give to me; if no, than please don't give, and if God says yes, ask Him for a specific amount to give, and trust that He will be faithful to you. I know this is a scary thing to do. It stinks giving away your last $3. But it is more than worth any sacrifice to be faithful.

I will not promise God will give you more money because you give. In fact, I would almost promise that He will not just give you more money or stuff. The character of God is not the character that so many "health and wealth" televangelists have painted Him to be. He is a God who wants to bless His children so they will be a blessing to other people (and so on, and so on, perpetually) (Genesis 12:2). I sincerely believe God has blessings in store for people that can only be released when they bless other people in specific ways God wants.

Sorry that was so long and preachy. I mean no condemnation by what I wrote, and if you felt condemnation, then please let me know because I need to heard what you have to say. (Now, condemnation is different than conviction, which is what God may be wanting you to feel. If you feel conviction, don't ignore it.) This has just been very heavy on my heart recently. I have found so much freedom in giving up my rights to money and possessions and giving them away at God's calling. I want to share that freedom.

So yeah, in case you want to get a hold of me and need it, my email is

Thank you SO much for your prayer and encouragement. Hope to hear from you soon.

Grace and peace,

Χριστοφόρος (Bearer of the Christ)

1 comment:

  1. Chris, I'm continuing to pray that God will provide money for you and the rest of the group (including myself). Thanks for this post. It was encouraging!
