Saturday, February 27, 2010

God is Good // Q & A

Dear friends, family, loved ones, peoples,

So, I got the support money I had been expecting for a while and on the 18th bought my ticket. Two days ago on Thursday I flew from Denver to Frankfurt, and on Friday after landing took a train six hours west to Löbau, which is a few minutes from Herrnhut. Thus far (I think) only a handful of people have mistaken me as German. I asked a German girl if I look German, and confirmed my fears that people will talk to me in German and expect I will understand. It’s going to be fun. =]

I’m doing really well besides being sore. I’m living in a house with about a dozen other guys, and I think we are going to get along quite well. On Monday I will find out what work I will be doing here until September.

I believe I am set for the time being. I will need regular partnership support throughout the two years I am working in Germany, and I would ask that you contact me about financial, travel, or equipment partnership support, especially after prayerful consideration. One need I am praying to have met is for a digital SLR so I can share pictures easily and regularly with all of you. Email me for a detailed support letter.

And a big THANK YOU to all my support partners, obviously the many generous folks who gave a gift that helped me get to Germany (which was many of you), but also the folks behind the scenes who have been praying, fervently and may I say effectively (thank you, Cassie). In this news post I want to give a shout out to Centennial Covenant, but especially Dave and Lynne Morrow. Thank you for all the ministry God has done through you.

I’ll tell you after Monday exactly what it is I’ll be doing (sound effects: “dum-dum-dum!”).

I love you all, and may the glory of the Lord bring you to praise.

Christoph or

P.S. GO USA Men's Hockey!

• • •

Q & A

Big thanks to Keith Rubenstein for inspiring me to do this.

Q. What are you doing?
A. I am staffing for YWAM in Herrnhut, Germany. I did a Discipleship Training School with YWAM in April and ministered in South Africa for three months, and after prayer and much thought decided to work full time for a YWAM location in Germany.

Q. What does staffing entail? What will you be doing?
A. Immediately, I do not know what my days will look like exactly. I will be helping with day to day operations on base, anything I might be need for. In September, I will be a staff member helping lead a photography focused DTS. Staffing DTS will go from September through March next year.

Q. Why are you staffing? Why at Herrnhut?
A. I want to focus on teaching photography and using photos as a tool to minister globally. Photography is a passion God has placed on my heart, and He has invited my to use it to touch people's lives in ways I do not yet know. The director at Herrnhut is a professional photographer, and I believe this is the location God in leading me to to develop me.

Q. Why is photography an important tool for ministry and evangelism?
A. Photography, which is ultimate a mode of communication like writing, is useful and effective for ministry work in at least three primary ways. (1) As a form of visual communication, photography is a powerful way to inform and make people aware worldwide of injustices and harm happening which may not otherwise be documented. Writing about human trafficking, natural disasters, refugees, or HIV/AIDS (to name a few) is powerful and important for sharing stories, but images help make these stories real. (2) For many people who have been hurt, abandoned, disowned, or have a taboo disease, self-esteem and any sense of worth can quickly disappear. When people who have been hurt in these ways have a chance to be photographed, to share their stories, when they are told they are beautiful and have great value simply as human beings, that God love them and the photographer wants to share His love, many people are able to begin regaining their sense of self-worth. (3) Many people open up more when someone asks to take their photograph. In general photographers are genuinly interested in where people come from, what they do, their dreams, all aspects of the subject's story. This is the beginning of relationship, and speaking personally about God's redemptive comes easier in context of relationship.

Q. How long will you be staffing?
A. At least for two years. Right now I plan to staff until March 2012. I will not know what I'm doing in 2012 until then. I know definitely that I have committed to staffing at Herrnhut for two years from when I begin.

Q. Are you being paid to work full-time for YWAM?
A. I am not being paid by YWAM. I will be paying for housing, food, insurance, any traveling I do, and any other costs. Since I will be working as a missionary full time in a foreign country and I will not be paid by the organization I'm working for, I am dependent on partnering with me to support the work I'm doing.

Q. Why is it important to have "Support Partners"?
A. I have had to step out in faith trusting God that all my needs will be provided while I'm working with YWAM. Most of this will be through support partners (and some may come miraculously, as it did when I did my DTS in April). Because I am dependent on people who support the ministry I've been called to, my friends and church congregation are a part of my work. This reminds me that what I do is bigger than just me, or the people I'm around all the time. My aim is to be an extension of my church.

Q. What are your costs?
A. The fixed costs I know for sure is 250€ per month for rent, food, and insurance. The monthly cost will increase as I add a cell phone to use here, my own groceries, film and photo supplies, et cetera.

Q. How can I support you?
A. Tax deductible: Checks can be made out to YWAM. DO NOT put my name anywhere on the check. Instead include a note with the check that it is for Christopher Wolf – Herrnhut, Germany. Mail to
Accounting Department
YWAM Tyler Texas
PO Box 3000 Garden Valley
TX 75771-3000

If you do not need a tax receipt, there is a PayPal button on this blog page, or checks can be mailed to my home address
9698 W. Chatfield Ave. Unit H
Littleton, CO 80128

Q. Is there somewhere we can see your photos from Hawaii and South Africa?
A. Yes! Click on these links: Hawaii 1, Hawaii 2, Hawaii 3, Hawaii 4, South Africa 1, South Africa 2, South Africa 3

Q. What if I have more questions, or want clarification on a question?
A. Please email me questions or leave them in a comment on this blog and I will answer them in my next update!


  1. I don't see any links to click on in the question about Hawaii and South Africa photos. Did I miss something?
