Sunday, August 30, 2009

Last Week in Cape Town

Update 30 August 2009

My team is getting ready for the last week of ministry we have in Cape Town before heading to Worcester (the South Africans pronounce it as “Wooster,” so that's how we're saying it too... their English is all sorts of messed up). Friday is the last day of ministry / a fun group outing, and I will be home two weeks from Friday 4th. I'm excited for Worcester, because the South Africa team will be reunited with the teams that went to Panama, and we'll have a solid, fun two weeks together.

But I'm just beginning to feel like Cape Town, specifically the Muizenberg area, is my home after being here for a month. During middle school and high school, I moved from city to city enough times that I got used to it, but I always had at least a year. I need a year in Cape Town as well. God willing, I'll come back for a year, or maybe three years, to do ministry and work with YWAM. I have no idea when that would even be possible, but YWAM seems to make the world a lot smaller and make many more connections. I'll be praying about coming back someday, so please feel free to join me praying into coming back to South Africa.

I watched my first rugby match ever. (Kettie, I hope you're proud of me. =P) South Africa vs. Australia. South Africa demolished Australia in the first half. The second half the Ausies came back a bit, but not nearly enough. It was sweet to see the team representing the nation I've been in for so long play well in one of the best loved sports, and against a rival like Australia. The only thing that could have been better is watching the Springboks destroy the All Blacks. But all in due time, hey?

That said, while rugby was entertaining to watch, I still much prefer soccer, or better still, Ultimate Frisbee.

I now have plans for next year I did not expect when I started DTS. I've told a few people about my plans for next year, I'm I'm anxious to tell everyone, but I want to tell you all in person, and I really want to talk and pray about this with my pastor and some folks from my home church.

Sorry for the teaser. Feel free to ask me. My plans are not definite yet, but I believe God will sort of the details and take care of any aspect I cannot to see this work out. Please continue to pray for me about working out my twenty-third year of this business that I usually refer to as life.

I don't have a lot to report now. I'm doing very well, the team is doing well, and we are all looking forward to getting back together with the Panama folks, and (those of us returning home) are looking forward to having internet we can use to upload and share photos.

I'll be home the 18th or 19th of September, and while I will be resting and sleeping and busy taking care of a few things, if you are around CO and want to get together for coffee or lunch or anything, let me know. I would love to meet up and chat about SA and catch up with you.

Yours by and in God's grace,


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