Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cliff Jumping!

At last, for your viewing pleasure, the fabled, much anticipated photographs of the South Point cliff jumping epic adventure extraordinaire! (Did I over hype myself?) All credit goes to God and to Steve Schallert who shot some sweet pics. Enjoy.

The cliffs we jumped from where somewhere around 45-50 feet above the ocean. Not a bad jump and rush. South Point is the southern most point of the US. Kind of cool, yeah?

Sorry there are so many photos, but when you jump 50 feet off a cliff...

The first series is the second jump I did, but is slightly less epic, unless you are at South Point to witness said jump, in which case this way is far more epic. Almost Homerically so, even. (And just to put this out there, Poseidon is a pansy and a jerk and can't take a joke. Athena is by far the best Olympian. Just saying.)

Now for the more epic photo series. Steve did a great job shooting these. Thanks Steve. I'll get you a coffee or something. Let me know.


  1. why would you ever, ever, EVER want to subject yourself to the black hole of death that wants to eat you alive?! perhaps you should once more reference cambria's photos about the BHODTWTEYA on facebook and think twice next time about such foolishness.
