I found out a week ago that I have been accepted as a student for a YWAM course called SOIP – School of Intercessory Prayer. I've spent the last week beginning to process that I'm transitioning from full-time staff to being both student and staff. I have class in the morning, then in the afternoon I will be working at least two hours each day in IT where I have been for the past two months. Some days I might work as many as six hours in the afternoon. The thing about working in IT here is sometimes it is very slow and there isn't too much to do... and sometimes it's complete chaos, e.g. if someone needs multiple prints done a specific way (I do all print jobs for anyone without printer access... which is most people).
I LUV the work I'm doing. The SOIP came up completely unexpectedly. Someone encouraged me to pray about doing it, and I wanted nothing to do with it. When I prayed, God simply asked me to apply and not worry about doing the school or not. So I applied, and as I was waiting I talked with a number of people who did the SOIP last year, and they encouraged me greatly. I had my questions and concerns answered and... this whole time God has opening me, softening my heart, and giving me an excitement for the unknown and what he wants to break down and rebuild in me.
I think part of the reason the Lord asked me to do a School of Intercessory Prayer is I have a huge capacity for studying his Word as literature or historical account, using my intellect... All this is necessary and important in the life that follows Jesus. And I think it is amazing that I am gifted in scholarly study. But there are disciplines at the opposite end of the spectrum which are equally important and help bring balance. Scholarship engages the mind in powerful ways... God wants us to know him and his Word. But the heart may not be engaged. This is where a discipline like intercession comes in. Prayer is an outpouring of learning about God.
I know that Paul writes frequently about prayer, and he tells the churches to "pray without ceasing," and " be constant in prayer," or "continue steadfastly in prayer" (1 Thes. 5:17, Rom. 12:12, Col. 4:2). I know that we're commanded to pray at all times, but there I have never prayed without ceasing. I believe God is calling me to a season of refinement to put his Words into practice. I'm very excited, and I'll share more details in the next couple days.
Here is a link with some information about the School of Intercessory Prayer at Herrnhut. And please feel welcome to ask me any questions you might have.